By Sheryl Anderson – Account Associate in Security and Storage
When I joined 10Fold Communications, I was delighted to hear employees are given two charitable activity days each year to volunteer and represent our company in philanthropy, team building and a chance to start the day thinking about someone else.
Channeling the Force like a Jedi
While out of the office, I volunteered my services at the SF Marin Food Bank During our 3 hour shift, we repackaged bulk rice donated from food drives and grocery stores into family-sized quantities, separated the sliced bread from bread rolls and repacked loaves of bread and canned vegetables into boxes over upbeat holiday music.
At the end of our shift, the project leaders weighed the rice, bread and canned goods that our group repacked or sorted and announced the exact poundage and how many non-profit organizations it will go to. It’s worthwhile work and it’s quantifiable. At the end of the day, you know exactly how many meals you’ve helped generate. With fun teamwork and great energy, we sorted 24,192 cans\26,460 lbs of canned goods and sorted 3332 lbs\ 238 cases\1920 loaves of bread! The food bank will then distribute these packaged goods to 450 non-profit organizations for food pantries, children’s snack programs and soup kitchens throughout San Francisco and Marin. In a single shift, we helped thousands of people get the food they need. All in a days work ‘the Volunteer Force’ helped defend our community against hunger and protect families in need this holiday season.
Facts about the Food Bank
Volunteer force the equivalent of 68 full-time employees
The greatest need for volunteers is for shifts Monday through Friday
During Thanksgiving week, in San Francisco and Marin, the Food Bank will distribute 1 million pounds of food
At the Food Bank’s 240 food pantries, families receive fresh fruits and vegetables and healthy grains, plus items tailored for the holiday – a whole chicken, gravy, sweet potatoes, rice, cranberry sauce, pears, rolls and a dessert
The Food Bank also provides turkeys, vegetables and grains to hot meal programs – such as St. Anthony’s and St. Vincent de Paul dining room – so they can prepare large-scale Thanksgiving meals